These photographs represent the landscape and people who live in approximately five square blocks of the neighborhood in Montgomery, Alabama where the 1955 Bus Boycott was organized and implemented. It was where the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March began and ended. It was home to many well-known leaders of the civil rights movement such as Rosa Parks, E.D. Nixon, and Martin Luther King; but it was also home to other lesser known people who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Some of those people, like Lucille Times, still live there. Lucille marched from Selma to Montgomery. She gave refuge to 18 freedom riders. She has kept a diary of her dreams and visions during that time and after and called it "My Dreambook". It is a place where religion casts an aura of magical realism across long, hot days when very little ever seems to change and yet it was a place that changed everything.